Website it back up!

Just wanted to apologize for the website being down most of the weekend. I know many of you were trying to access your online galleries and the site was not working. In the 4 years of having my photography site, its never been out of commission for that long.

I noticed several weeks back that the site was running really slow. When you would arrive at the home page, it was taking at least 10-15 seconds to fully load. I contacted my hosting company and they suggested I upgrade and update several different things. To my knowledge, this was something that was going to be seamless and almost do its magic without any web downtime. I was wrong. A few things went crazy and it took me just about all day yesterday to recover everything.

I woke up Sunday morning with no site, needless to say I was flipping out. This is my storefront. This is were I spend countless hours writing posts and sharing photos from each and every one of my sessions and weddings. To think that all of it could be gone really worked me up. Well about 10 phone calls later and hours on the phone with my hosting company, it finally started working again. It took talking to the right technician to help with all the issues.

Thanks for your patience to those clients who emailed me about it! Now it’s back up and I have a ton to share this week, stay tuned :)