Peace Within

You ever have one of those days where you are just all over the place? Your mind wonders in 10 different directions. Gotta to this. Gotta do that. You get worked up. Get emotional. Then you’re like bummed out, then you’re happy. It’s like the weirdest thing. Today is one of those days for me- when I can’t really pinpoint how I feel. Seriously, doesn’t it happen to all of us every now and then?

Well my future sis-in-law randomly emailed me this quote today and everything sorta just made sense after that.

“May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.”

After reading that I thought about it. Why can’t I think about this quote each and every day. It summed it up completely. Thank you Lord for all the wonderful people you have surrounded me with. Through you all things are possible and faithfully I will follow were you lead me. There are things that change in life that sometimes test our strength. There are days where I feel really weak – it’s those days I ask for extra guidance. I put my trust in the Lord knowing everything will be fine.

And just because I love my dogs, here’s a photo of our oldest. An Aussie Mix. A rescue :) Her name is Shortee. She is a girl. Don’t ask- Randy named her. Her nickname is “Beans”. She likes when I call her “Beansy girl”. She is attached my hip at all times when I’m home working. (When I get a glass of water- she’s behind me. When I check the mail – behind me. When I get up to use the bathroom – behind me!) She is a big baby and the sweetest thing ever!

Whenever your feeling down, just think about that quote. It sure snapped me out of it today. Have a good weekend ya’ll!