Faith :: 1 Year

It’s hard to believe that my first “Grow With Me” Package is complete. Faith was one of the first to jump on board over a year ago! I wrapped up the session and told Holly that I would miss taking Faith’s photos every 3 months! I watched her grow up before my very eyes, I can remember each session like it was yesterday.

After I got home from Faith’s session, I received an email from Holly….

Hey Jen,
Thank you so much for taking Faith’s pictures throughout this year. I got home today and went into her room and looked at all her past pictures hanging up on her bulletin board.  I was so happy to have such wonderful pictures of her, but I also had a sad feeling because I can’t believe her first year is over. I was admiring all her pictures and I am so grateful to you for taking such great pictures of her. I just wanted to say thank you and let you know that you are great at what you do. I am so fortunate to have so many beautiful pictures along with all the memories of her first year. We will always cherish the pictures that you have taken.
Thank You, Holly

Take a look at our journey up until this point:

Guerre & Holly Maternity

Faith – Newborn

Faith – 3 Months

Faith – 6 Months

Faith – 9 Months

Faith – 1 YEAR!!!!

So beautiful!Love that little smile…Faithy now has itty bitty teeth! ;)Trying to be just like Daddy – lifting weights already!!