Clay & Sarah :: Engagement

I loved photographing Clay & Sarah’s Engagement session on LSU’s campus! It brought back so many memories for me! Although I felt like I lost my sense of direction around there – it was awesome being back! I can’t believe it’s been 5 years since graduating college, time flies.

Sarah and Clay have been dating for a while, they even grew up on the same street! But there’s a funny story behind it. It wasn’t until a class in college when they sat near each other that things changed and they became more than friends. Clay picked up Sarah for their first date…. he asked her address… ironically it was on the same street as him! They had no clue :) I love walking and talking with couples while taking their photos. I get to learn all about how they met, what they do, where they plan to live, talk about their Wedding plans, etc. It’s lots of fun!

I photographed Clay’s sister Katie’s Wedding a couple of months ago, so I was so excited when Clay’s fiance Sarah contacted me to shoot their Engagements :) We had a great day… here are some that I loved: