Christa :: Bridals

I photographed Christa’s Bridals back in October of this year, and she married last month! I’ve been meaning to share these with you guys for a while, but honestly kept forgetting to post since I couldn’t share until after her Wedding. It’s been so busy lately with all the family and kids shoots! This was another client that previously booked a Wedding photographer, but came to me to have her Bridals taken. I always love meeting new people regardless if I am shooting their Wedding or not. Every bride is welcome :)

Well, I have 3 more sessions this week and then I’ll be enjoying some time off from shooting. However, there will be lots of editing to do this week! Did I mention how much Christmas shopping I have left to do? Geeze!

Hope you guys are enjoying your Christmas Holidays so far! Here are some of my favs from Christa’s Bridal Session: